Woman watching a movie she downloaded online via her laptop.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital entertainment, the ethics of consuming content have become a hot topic. According to Variety, Oct. 2023 alone saw seven major streaming platforms raise their prices — some by as much as 43% — leaving Americans facing challenging fees and an average 23% increase in price across the board. And this surge hasn’t gone unnoticed. Users have begun canceling their subscriptions, with July 2023 hitting a churn rate of 6% across platforms, up from the previous year’s 4.7%. Today, the trend continues, and streaming providers are scrambling to create desirable bundles to satisfy viewers.

Even before users were jumping between subscription services, digital piracy was a concern worldwide. Viewers in the U.S. turned to pirated TV content over 2 billion times in Q3 of 2021, and Bloomberg reported an international increase of 39% for pirated films in 2022. The rise of digital piracy has sparked debates about the fine line between convenient access to content and the moral and legal consequences of bypassing legitimate channels. At StreamSafely, we seek to analyze and dissect the intricate trends of digital piracy, addressing key questions and exploring the ethical issues that arise when engaging in such activities.

Is Downloading Really Stealing?

The legality of digital piracy hinges on the principles of copyright, a legal framework designed to protect the intellectual property of creators. Streaming content and peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing are legal when you are authorized to do so (such as viewing authorization through a subscription agreement) or you own the copyright of the content in question. Illegal downloading or streaming copyrighted content without proper authorization means you are, in essence, taking what is not yours and infringing on the rights of those individual content creators and copyright holders.

Understanding the nuances of copyright law is crucial to grasping the implications of digital piracy. In many jurisdictions, unauthorized distribution, reproduction, or public performance of copyrighted material constitutes a breach of copyright laws. The unauthorized sharing of movies, music, software, or other digital content falls within this category.

The Ethics Surrounding Digital Piracy

Moral Implications

Beyond the legal landscape, engaging in digital piracy carries significant moral considerations. The impact on creators, industries, and legitimate consumers cannot be understated. When individuals access content without paying for it through authorized channels, they are directly affecting the livelihoods of those who invested time, effort, and resources in creating that content.

Perhaps more importantly, piracy can undermine a creator’s sense of security and trust they have in their viewership. In a tongue-in-cheek moment on YouTube’s Zach Sang Show in 2024, Ariana Grande is visibly disturbed by the memory of her collaborations being leaked and calls the culprits “thieves, pirates, crooks.” Even when responding to those who reacted positively to the leaked music, the pop artist said, “All of you are absolutely hypocrites,” but the most poignant moment came at the beginning of the discussion about the leaks: “I’ll see you in jail,” Ariana Grande said. “Literally.”

Consuming pirated content undermines the value of intellectual property and discourages creators from continuing to produce high-quality work. Another example is when the author of the Twilight book series, Stephenie Meyer, famously canceled the publication of Midnight Sun after an unfinished edition was leaked on the internet in 2008. The author was quoted stating, “I think it is important for everybody to understand that what happened was a huge violation of my rights as an author, not to mention me as a human being. Unfortunately, with the internet, it is easy for people to obtain and share items that do not legally belong to them. No matter how this is done, it is still dishonest.”

Midnight Sun was put on hold indefinitely and not released until 12 years later, in 2020.

There are many reasons to avoid pirated content, but it’s essential to recognize the human element in this ethical dilemma, as every download or stream without proper compensation represents a breach of trust and a missed opportunity for creators to earn a living from their craft.

The legal risks associated with digital piracy are not to be taken lightly. Authorities worldwide have been increasingly vigilant in pursuing legal action against individuals engaged in copyright infringement. In 2023, for example, police in the U.K. visited over 1,000 homes of people watching illegally streamed content. In the United States, the seriousness of piracy and misdemeanor copyright infringement is underscored by minimum penalties of one year in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Depending on your jurisdiction, using illegal streaming platforms and torrent sites may open you up to civil lawsuits brought by the copyright holder, cease and desist orders, and even seizure of assets.

The most effective way to avoid the legal risks associated with acts of piracy is to avoid such pirate sites altogether and opt for legal alternatives. While many illegal streaming sites are well known and well documented, others may be harder to spot. We encourage you to take full advantage of our resources to learn how to spot illegal sites and ensure your viewing experience is risk free.

Economic Impact

The economic ramifications of internet piracy extend far beyond individual actions. The entertainment industry, a cornerstone of the global economy, suffers immense losses due to piracy. A 2019 study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with NERA Economic Consulting and the Global Innovation Policy Center estimated that the U.S. movie and television production and distribution industry generated revenues of $229 billion in 2017 and directly supported 927,000 jobs. However, the study found that “approximately 26.6 billion viewings of U.S.-produced movies and 126.7 billion viewings of U.S.-produced TV episodes are pirated digitally each year, mostly from outside the U.S.” This reduces domestic revenue by as much as $71 billion annually.

With such a sweeping reduction in revenue, jobs in sectors related to content creation, distribution, and sales also take a staggering hit due to illegal streaming activity. The study estimated a loss of between 230,000 and 560,000 jobs nationwide.

By choosing to consume content through legal channels, individuals contribute to the sustainability of the industry, supporting the livelihoods of countless professionals involved in the creation and distribution of entertainment.

Quality and Safety Concerns

Pirated content is not only ethically problematic but also poses risks to consumers. The quality of illegally downloaded or streamed content is often compromised, leading to subpar viewing experiences. However, grainy visuals, pop-up ads, and long lags may be the least of your worries when engaging with illegally distributed or pirated content. Illegal streaming sites are often rife with security risks, including malware that can infect and corrupt your device. These viruses are often delivered into your operating systems via misleading downloads, but they can also be initiated by simply clicking an unassuming link.

In addition to poor video quality and risk of malware, using illegal streaming sites can jeopardize your personal information and put you at risk of identity theft. The Federal Trade Commission cited 5.4 million reports of fraud in 2023, of which identity theft was the most common category.

Torrents and illegal streaming sites are constantly innovating new ways to appear legitimate and lure consumers in, so it can be challenging to stay abreast of all the subtle red flags. Choosing legal alternatives ensures not only a high-quality viewing experience but also a safer digital environment for users and their devices.

Alternatives to Digital Piracy

Thankfully, there are numerous legal alternatives to digital piracy that provide convenient and ethical access to a vast array of content. Subscription-based streaming services, authorized digital marketplaces, and legitimate download platforms offer a wide range of options for users to enjoy content while supporting the creators. If you’re looking for an economic alternative, we have also compiled a list of 100% free resources that will get you access to your favorite movies, TV shows, news channels, and more.

Don’t put yourself at risk and don’t short-change the artists you’re trying to support. By opting for legal alternatives, you can contribute to the sustainability of the entertainment industry and the security of your data.

StreamSafely is dedicated to empowering users to make ethical and legal choices when it comes to accessing digital content. Our platform serves as a comprehensive resource, guiding users toward legal streaming sources and helping them navigate the vast landscape of digital entertainment. From answering basic questions about piracy to delivering full reports and breakdowns, we make it our mission to elevate your understanding of digital content and keep you, your devices, and your data as safe as possible.

By understanding the consequences of digital piracy, you can make informed choices that support creators, industries, and the broader economy. Choosing legal alternatives and using resources like StreamSafely ensures a responsible approach to consuming digital content, fostering an environment where creativity and innovation thrive.

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